Deanna reports on her new bike

Deanna reports on her new bike

September 26, 2024 Off By Hawkeye Johnson

By Deanna Garrity

My first bike ride with my husband Kevin. Photo by Deanna Garrity.

A year ago, I was busy writing grant proposals to fund a handcycle as I wanted another exercise option to keep me healthy. I was so excited in November when I received full funding from 3 grants, including GoHawkeye. I went out right away and placed the order. It arrived in March! It can be pretty chilly in March in Michigan, but I got right out on the trails. I had less than a month on my bike and then got sick and wasn’t able to cycle for the better part of four months. So when it was time to reflect and write my follow up essay, I had a feeling of sadness because I hadn’t cycled as many miles as I had planned.  As I started to pull out pictures to include, I realized my handcycle had provided me with some pretty awesome experiences this summer and it wasn’t all about the number of miles.

My first cycling partner was my husband. I was hopeful that we could ride bikes together at about the same speed. And indeed we are! We’ve changed some of our nightly walks into bike rides and compare how many “cardio minutes” we each get. Making us both healthier. We have this big hill that’s between our house and a really nice bike trail. Major accomplishment a couple weeks ago, we tackled that hill and biked over 10 miles! 

Carrie and Deanna along Lake Erie in Toledo, Ohio on the bike ride during the eclipse. Courtesy photo.

My friend Carrie (able bodied) is a super biker; last year she biked 3,000 miles. I think she was as excited as I was about getting my handcycle. She used to ride a trike so she had lots of insight on how to transport it and turning. (Turning is one of the hardest things). My first organized bike ride with Carrie was 20 miles in Toledo and at the end everyone ate a picnic lunch and watched the eclipse. I went for the bike ride but was totally in awe of the eclipse. This type of large group exercise activity isn’t something I’ve ever had the opportunity to participate in before.

Carrie and I on the Pedal with the Pistons at the Michigan Central Station Preservation Society, one of 11 stops on the bike scavenger hunt. Courtesy photo.

More recently, Carrie and I attended the Pedal with the PistonsScavenger Hunt. It’s sponsored by the Detroit Pistons and takes place in Detroit. It was a great way to see a lot of landmarks around Detroit that I hadn’t seen before. I realized I’ve been the only hand cyclist at these events so I’m trying to spread the word about them in order get more hand cyclist participation.The organizers were very welcoming.

My new friend Lindsay E. We’re planning to train together for the Detroit Marathon next year. Photo by Kevin Garrity.

My handcycle has introduced me to some new friends as well. One of them is relatively new to the spinal cord injury life. She’s had a hard time finding women that participate in adaptive sports. We definitely are in the minority. We are planning to do some riding together and train for the Detroit Marathon next fall.

Riding the neighborhood Rails to Trails with my “Live a Great Story” flag. I can’t think of a better motto to live by. I picked out my flag before I had funding for my handcycle. Courtesy photo.

Making new friends, finding a deeper connection with old friends and exploring new places – Sounds like the beginning of “a great story”. I am forever grateful for the opportunities your gift has given me!

p.s. If you really want to know I have ridden over 100 miles. Not bad considering.